4 Reasons You Should

Inspect Your Gutters Regularly

At Strength Roofing and Siding, we know that gutter inspection isn’t something that’s always at the front of your mind. After all, if things seem to be working the way they’re supposed to, you’re in the clear, right? Unfortunately, the truth is that unseen issues can cause bigger problems down the line. Thankfully, our gutter inspection company is here to help make your life a whole lot easier. Backed by years of experience and a passion for going the extra mile to ensure your satisfaction, our mission is to find potential problems before they cause you a massive headache. Keep reading to learn more, or contact our team today to schedule a consultation.

Prevent Clogged Gutters

If you’ve ever dealt with a clogged gutter , then you know how frustrating it can be (and how icky and gross they can become).  However, if they aren’t properly cleaned out at least twice per year, that leaves room for water to pool up near your home. And as we all know, pools of water don’t evaporate on their own — which means that it will likely do some major damage as time goes on. As an added bonus? When water does overflow onto your property due to clogs or debris build-up, it also increases the risk of wood rot occurring on your fascia boards, too  — which is exactly why you should keep up with regular gutter cleaning. If you want to prevent wood rot, basement flooding and other costly problems,  routine inspections are a must.

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Avoid Structural Damage

As you probably know, if your gutters are unable to handle the amount of water they used to when they were in peak condition, it increases the chances that they could give away at some point in the future. While this probably won’t happen during one of our appointments with our gutter inspection company, over time it will become more likely. Keep in mind that while clogged gutters are often the culprit of structural damage, there are also high winds or heavy rain to blame as well. If you’re noticing rusting, chipping or other signs of corrosion, it’s important to get those issues looked at right away.

Keep Uneven Gutters From Reducing Visual Appeal

An uneven surface may seem like a minor problem when compared to corrosion or leaking. However, even the smallest issues are worth taking care of when it comes to something as important as gutters.  For instance, water pooling in low spots can lead to ice damage in colder weather, while standing water in general can cause major problems for your interior space.

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Protection Against Leaks

Water damage is never fun to deal with, but when it comes to gutter repair, an unchecked water leak is one of the most expensive problems you can deal with.  If there’s a crack or hole that’s letting water through somewhere on your gutters, it’ll eventually lead to serious damage around the home — including wood rot and stained ceilings. The time to act is now! At Strength Roofing and Siding, our goal is nothing short of 100% customer satisfaction when it comes to all things roof-related. For professional assistance in inspecting your gutters or installing new ones you can rely on, look no further than our team.

At the end of the day, the thing we want you to know is that gutter inspections don't have to be a hassle. Instead, leave it to us. We strive to ensure that you have a peace of mind, knowing that your gutters will continue to function the way they’re supposed to, and we know what to look for to make sure you’re in the clear. Since 2004, our team has been providing exceptional gutter inspection service to customers throughout our community. No matter your needs, we'll go above and beyond to ensure that your gutters are ready for whatever lies ahead. Contact us today!