Spring Roof Maintenance Tips


Protecting Your Home Starts With The Roof

With the arrival of spring, it's time to start thinking about roof maintenance. At Strength Roofing & Siding — the top-rated residential roofing company in Jackson, MS — our crew of expert roofing specialists is here to help with advice and guidance. Continue reading to learn more about how you can take care of your home!

spring checklist

Spring Roof Maintenance Checklist

  • Clear Your Gutters
  • Check Your Shingles
  • Search For Algae & Mold
  • Take Photos of Damage
  • Hire Professional Inspection

Prepare Your Roof With These Tips

It’s finally spring! The time of year when the flowers start to bloom, the birds start singing, and the weather gets a little warmer. This is also the season when you should start thinking about your roof and how to protect it from the upcoming summer heat. Here are five tips for spring roof maintenance:


Clear Your Gutters

When the weather starts warming up, it's a good time to clean your gutters and downspouts. Debris can build up in them during the winter months, and if not cleaned out, this can lead to clogging and drainage problems during spring rainstorms. When your gutters are clogged, water starts to back up and overflow, which can damage your roof and eaves. Leaves, twigs, dirt — all of these can accumulate in your gutters and cause problems.

One of the best ways to prevent roof damage is to keep your gutters clean.  It's important to scoop them out so that your gutters can function properly when you need them most. Be sure to clear out your gutters at least twice a year – once in the spring and once in the fall. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, you can always call us for professional gutter cleaning help.

Check Your Shingles

Shingles can become damaged over time, so it’s important to inspect them periodically for signs of wear and tear. Checking for missing, curling, worn down, and cracked shingles is essential. You should also look for loose nails. If you notice large areas of damaged shingles, it's time for a roof repair or replacement as this can lead to leaks and other roof problems.

You can do a partial visual inspection from the ground, but for a more thorough inspection, you'll need to get up on a sturdy ladder and take a look from your roof. Be careful when doing this, as roofs can be dangerous. If you're not comfortable getting up on your roof yourself, please call a top-rated roofer to inspect for you.

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Search For Algae & Mold

In the winter, moisture often collects on roofs, and this can breed algae and mold. Likewise, these pests can grow on your roof if it’s not properly ventilated. This can cause damage to the shingles and roof deck so it's important to look out for mold when inspecting your roof. Check your roof for signs of mold or algae and clean it up as soon as possible if you come across any. There are DIY treatment options available but before you start pouring any chemicals up there, it's best to talk to our professional roofers. We can advise you on the best course of action, or even treat the problem themselves.

Take Photos of Damage

One important roof maintenance task is to document any damage that may have occurred during the winter. This includes missing or broken shingles, damaged soffit or fascia, and mold growth. If you notice any damage, be sure to take photos as evidence. Then, contact your home insurance company to see if the damage is covered. In some cases, especially after a storm, the insurance company will cover some of the damages. However, it's important to provide evidence of the extent of the damage. By documenting any damage, you can ensure that it is repaired properly and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

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roof inspection

Hire Professional Inspection

Spring is a good time to schedule a professional inspection of your roof. Our crew will be able to notice anything that may be amiss and can help you determine the extent of any damage. We can also assess whether a simple patch is all that is needed, or if a more involved repair or even total replacement is necessary.

Even if there doesn't appear to be any visible damage, it's worth getting a professional inspection. Sometimes water can get into the attic or between the layers of the roof and cause damage that isn't readily apparent from the outside. Keeping moisture out of your home is essential for preventing mold and other water-related problems.

A professional inspection may seem like an added expense, but it can be well worth the investment. A well-maintained roof can protect your attic and home interior from damage and may even help increase the resale value of your home. So don't wait, schedule your inspection today!

Why Partner With Strength Roofing & Siding?

If you are in the market for a new roof or just want to be sure that your current roof is in good condition, choose Strength Roofing & Siding for a professional inspection.

We have been providing top-rated roofing services to Jackson residents for years and are dedicated to ensuring that your property receives the best possible care. We understand that each home is unique, so we take the time to listen to your needs and tailor our services accordingly. Our team of experienced professionals works with you every step of the way to provide the best roofing services for your property.

If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy roofing contractor, contact Strength Roofing & Siding today. We provide both residential and commercial roofing services and would be happy to discuss your specific needs.