Make Sure Your Roof Is In Good Hands

Find A Trustworthy Contractor

Are you looking for a new roofing contractor? It can be stressful as you are looking for a trustworthy company to work on your home. You’ve probably heard horror stories online or from friends who had work done by contractors that didn’t do a good job, took way too long, or charged way too much. At Strength Roofing & Siding, we always work our hardest to give you the care and attention that you deserve. Here you can find some of the best ways to find a new roofing contractor, or you can contact our team at any time with questions that you may have concerning your home, business, and your roof.

Some things to check for your chosen contractor include:


Contractor License


Liability Insurance


Workman's Compensation insurance


Do Your Research

If you don’t already have a roofing contractor that you can count on, you’ll have to start by doing some research. If you search Google for “roofing contractors near me,” you’ll likely find dozens of roofers, and some of them might not even be close to you! A great spot to start is by looking at reviews on Google or Facebook to see if previous customers had a good or bad experience. Feel free to check out the reviews about Strength Roofing & Siding any time to see how we have been providing our customers with high-quality roofing services for more than 40 years!

Ask For Recommendations

While the recommendations of strangers online can go a long way in helping you make a decision, nothing beats good old fashioned recommendations from friends, family, business partners, and others you trust. When you talk to those you know, you are able to get more info about the process, pricing, and more. While you may not know us yet, we are also always happy to answer these questions for you so you can know what to expect for prices, timelines, and types of services that we offer.

Check Qualifications

While most roofers have some experience under their belts and will work safely, there can always be unexpected issues or injuries. You want to make sure anyone who works on your home is protected if mistakes occur, and that you are not held accountable for any possible damages.

Contractor License

When contractors are doing work on a building, road, highway, parking facility, or any other structure is required to have a contractor license. This shows that they are a professional in the field and have undergone the learning and testing required to hold a legitimate business. If your chosen roofer is not licensed, they may be in it for a quick cash grab, and you should avoid using their business.

Liability Insurance

If mistakes are made during the process of your roofing repair or replacement, you will want to make sure your contractor has the necessary liability insurance. This means that if mistakes are made by the contractor or others that they hire (like engineers, architects, and other vendors), you as the home or business owner won’t be held accountable for the damages.

Workman's Compensation Insurance

If your contractor or their employees get injured during the course of the work done on your home, it is important that the contractor has worker’s comp insurance. This type of insurance covers the benefits of the injured employee, once again ensuring that you won’t be held responsible for any extra costs for an accident that happened on your property that was out of your control.


Get High-Quality Roofing Care In Mississippi

At Strength Roofing & Siding, we are very proud of our customer service, and we are fully licensed and insured through the state of Mississippi. We have been serving local homes and businesses for more than 40 years, and we are always happy to discuss any of your questions. Contact us to learn more or to get started with your roofing project!